Episode 67 - The Midnight Society Presents: The Tale of the Werewolf Archangel

Episode Discussed: S02E07: The Green Dream

Episode Discussed: S02E07: The Green Dream

Join a skeleton crew and our friends Eric and Tyler as we herald the return of Morphactnewsnimal while Luke isn't here to stop us, and discuss the continuing and slightly overbearing arc of Tommy continuing to lose his powers and the absolute ULTIMATE in lazy McGuffins.

We'll also talk about still liking Laser Swords, the mystical power of the Shoot Shoot Gun, Zack's Secret Locker Hit List, Bulk & Skull get WHOOPED, our own ANCIENT ALIENS theories, and Zedd's collection of Novelty Grilling Aprons.

Find Tyler on the Digital Moncast and Eric on Inside The Master's Studio at http://www.audioentropy.com/masters-studio-blog/

Episode Discussed: S02E07: The Green Dream