Digital Moncast 41 - Renaissance of Flesh

Pictured: Early build of Mario Odyssey

Pictured: Early build of Mario Odyssey

Live from Jules' dining room, the entire Moncast crew gets together for an episode they were all kind of dreading that turned out to be pretty good, actually. Episode 41- "Seasick and Tired", JP title "The Hardened King of the Seas! MetalSeadramon!", DVD Title "Revenge of Metal Seadramon"

Along the way: We search for and watch a trailer for Tri 5 in our most compelling audio feature to date, the many knives of Scorpiomon, clams, accidental Homestuck spoilers, clams, Digi body horror, CLAAAMS!, starring Terry Crews as Zudomon, we workshop our next podcasting project, we ACTUALLY barely escape a vampire's castle, cliffhanger ending!

Mission Room Escape Sydney.  Check it out!

Mission Room Escape Sydney.  Check it out!