Season 2 Retrospective: Family

We’re recapping season 2! We’re talking about Family, the grass being greener, and fence sitting.

We also discuss: Blockbuster Video, the bad genre of gaming (MOBAs), Dead by Daylight, Sophie’s (lack of an) Arc, Tara is real freakin’ good y’all, plumbing the rich mines of AO3, Mamma Mia AU, Tara Cole Headcanon uncovered, Mr Bannana, a fuhckin Garde, Richard Nixon back again, long shot, weedstock, straightedgegate, ediblerock, we write Tara/Sophie fanfic, the weed ritual, Joisey Boys, things to come.

Namco High
Kim’s Convenience
SophieD prolific Leverage Fanfic Author

28. The Maltese Falcon Job

It’s the Season 2 Finale! We’re watching the Maltese Falcon Job, ask us about room service, bodies in bathtubs, and reunions. And oh boy do we have an episode for y’all.

We also discuss: Spoilers, notetaking, the good but also copaganda show Brooklyn 99, Leslie Knope; of the people, Parker likes girls, nudity and power, Tara is very good (yet again), that smuggler played a cop, mini bobka bobbles, 420 Elliot Spencer, hard hitting fusion commentary, Parker goes on HGA, Hardison’s 90s collection of Banshee comics, the people don’t need to know, the dark web, Parker has killed before and shall kill again, Tara vanishes into thin air, we are all digging Dug,, Cass has to research the ownership of her local theme parks on the fly, a distinct lack of Zerg, the success/lack of success of Solo: A Star Wars Story, Cass’ revenge, the sound a helicopter makes.

Postgame of thrones
War on Waste: Season 1 Recap
Let Me Tell You About Evangelion

27. The Three Strikes Job

We’re watching the Three Strikes Job, we’re talking about fast ball (specials), (people who are not a) crook, and Lucille (ball is life) the van.27. the three strikes job

We also discuss: Winter in Australia, why should we care about Bonano?, Mr Nixon’s absence, Gotham, can we really tell if Culpepper is a republican?, we’ll watch a baseball, full-contact baseball, we all want sandwiches named after us, it’s a sting, the shadow knows, this episode thinks it’s great, Sonic and Pinball, Cass has fursonas?, who is GUN?,  when words sound better in your head, a moment of silence for all fursonas who wear latex.

Adam Savage’s Cosplay videos
Sports anime: Haikyu!!

26. The Future Job

We’re watching the Future Job, we’re talking about bicycles, hot/cold readings, and revenge.

We also discuss Fake Australia, Archie’s dad, P!nk, Rands, mystery game, the team are supportive of their friend Parker, to the pain,  you want the chewy plastic but you need the sour gummies, yadda yadda yadda, socks are still on, video game minutia, Mario’s Time Machine, mold bags. We also chat for a bit afterwards.

Lesbian Vampire Dating Online
American Vandal

25. the Zanzibar Marketplace Job

We’re watching the Zanzibar Marketplace Job, we’re talking about Faberge eggs, Chicken Kiev, and weird elevators.

We also discus: Stone cold in Austin, we have to discus Hardison’s scripting, Friday $13 tattoos, Jim is back, Diplomatic immunity, we continue to see horrible capitalists, water is wet, ParkerBatman, Tara continues to be very good, resituating the egg, Maggie’s bad taste in men, Cass grabs the grenade, TELL HER THE TRUTH, eggs in utopia, Griffin likes Vore, one of Cass’ ants tries to escape.

Kiki and Kitty
Super Zero
Got it memorised Interstitial actual play podcast

23. The Runway Job

We’re Watching the Runway Job, we’re talking about JRPG style Belts, Andre V, and the Hawaii 5-0 drum solo.

We also discuss how Andre V is fictional and no one knew what the question post meant, the Pupcast/Jiminy’s Journal/Frankie Takes off, the show decided not to talk about immigration and good because they wouldn’t do it well, we like Tara, the show is confused that wlw exist, we discuss athiests and the bronies, the cutie marks of the leverage crew, Mondo on 2010’s Project Runway, Cass reluctantly views some of Tetsuya Nomura’s Designs,
Cloud, Donald and Pete, Lulu, DiZ
 Parker knows maths, is Nate/Sophie unhealthy?, free the titty.

Ashley’s Patreon
Hawaii 5-o fill From here

Oxhorn’s Fallout Lore Videos. Helios One, Archimedes II and the Euclid C-Finder
Obiswan Kenobi’s Twitch Account

22. The Lost Heir Job

We’re watching the Lost Heir Job, we’re talking about CEO prison, Colour Blindness, Sexy Librarians.

We also discuss: The weather, the less said about Homestuck the better, Bat/Spider Equivalency, we’re all colour-blind this episode, the team rolls to intimidate, Elliot’s odd moral code, Risking a Mistrial, we get a genetics lesson, Frankie nearly hurts themselves gasping, why did she lie?,  While editing Cass looked up who in Star Trek Jeri Ryan played and she was Seven of Nine and hooo boy, our fave worlds, be the sexy/scary librarian you want to see in the world, there are worse things in the world than the funny vinyl figures with a weird art style, and Do Nate!

Hannah Gadsby: Nanette; CW for discussion of sexual assault, homophobia/slurs and violence,
Tetratower and
Battle Chef Brigade
Project Runway Junior

21: The Ice Man Job With Ryan

We’re watching the Ice Man Job, we also talk about Sodey pop, Ferraris, and the artificial inflation of the value of diamonds.

We’re also joined by Ryan @replacewythy.

We also discuss: We finally get another Hardison episode, did our call just go down?, Frankie gives a recap of season 1, the first instinct of a cop, Bonano should’ve been replaced, wrestling in Jimmy Choos, the return of Jim Sterling, Hardison will be fine as long as the guys aren’t Russian, while editing this my audacity glitched so that I have to solo all the tracks to hear everything, anyone know why that might have happened?, Friends at this table, our very first sponsor, Frankie and Ryan decide to tangent into Kingdom Hearts, the Liberal National Party continues to be fuckwits, Ginger Beers, Blood Zirconium, Gayveler, Bobby blows cool Ice breath onto Wolverine’s open beer bottle, Parkour.

Tusk The Gay Orc Dating Sim
Ocean’s 8
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drops Distance

20. The Two Live Crew Job with Zack from TWA

We’re Watching the Two Live Crew Job, ask us about the Kobayashi Maru, Instant Pudding, and Kestrels.
We’re also Joined by Zack from TWA.
We discuss: Magitek hacking, handling the heavy stuff, a woodchipper’s purpose, Zack avoids Redneck media, Katherine is dead, Adrian’s A-Team Headcanon, Hannibals, Frankie makes history by being the first one other than Cass to point out Parker’s clothes, Starke is a grifter spec’d into a forger prestige class, Mikel Dayan’s Actress is unfortunate, also staring Apollo as Nate’s hands, we all imitate Dennis Nedry, Wil Wheaton’s forgettable face, Hardison continues to be unfortunate, the wider cultural dissemination of the Kobayashi Maru, the Worf Effect, and cheat or don’t play.

Apollo Robbins: The Art of Misdirection TED-Talk

Hailstorm, I Miss the Misery
In This Moment, Big Bad Wolf
Studio Killers, Party Like it’s your Birthday

19. The Top Hat Job

We’re watching the “Top Hat Job”, we’re talking about frozen dinners, the mystic box, and loving ur gf.

We also discuss: *hacker voice*, Tom Clancy of Splinter Cell fame, Cass takes us backto the fashion corner, Sal Monela: Gangster or Toku Director?, Sophie appears to have some confused feelings about nate dating in this episode, have we found a good CEO?, Frankie recites Horse Memes throughout the episode and it puts Cass off, X-tray crispy pizza, Elliot’s coming out hot, Eric/Erik discourse, the team show up a jerkass, Pardison is only good when they’re pretending, get Timothy Hutton to play a supervillain, Parker and Elliot’s childhood phobias, why is Hardison the punching bag?, Blackwater made a videogame?, fun with portals, the team’s depression meals, and the Do Nate button.


Teen Titans: The Judas Contract


18. The 3 Days of the Hunter Job

We’re watching the Three Days of the Hunter Job, we’re taking us about Area 51, Water, and Faux News.

Big CW for discussion of suicide and bad treatment of mental illness

We also discuss: season 2 trends, outback whiphouse, things we just ate, Aunt Zelda is mean, Hardison will remember that, the fantasy world of leverage where all cops are good except a few crooked ones, draw foley, Things Frankie did in the Past, Silver Pines, we need eggs, more bioweapons, the team swaps roles, the morality of using people’s ableism to take down bad people, Mr Snake’s Heel Theme, Cass got spooked, Tig ol Ape Bitties, Cass <3 Bloody Mary, the country was Argentina.


Silver Pines: An Audio Entropy RPG on Youtube

Jake The Snake Heel Theme

Tier Zoo, a zoology channel that describes animals as video game builds

The 200 Word RPG Challenge and Jeff Stormer’s RPG 

17. The Fairy God Parents Job

We’re watching the Fairy God Parents Job, we’re talking about the Glee club, Mould, and Bougie School.
Long episode this week!
We also Discuss: its very cold, its not a bad episode just unfortunate, blue to the sky orange to the thigh, is parker flirting?, we talk fashion like 5 times this episode because of Cass and she will not apologise,  the best Daltons we know, we sometimes hold this show up as radical but it doesn’t actually say much, Sophie’s “Aborted” arc, last week they were sick and this week they’re cranky, this one Justin Trudeau looking stain, there are some really great child actors out there,  a bunch of episode clips this week, we flash back to our school days, did we Digital Moncast ourselves?, showtune bones,  the episode Frankie’s line references was “the Good Old Days”, Cass dropped her tweezers, Shane Shaming, we plan a bunch of new rewatch podcasts, Horny Gambling JDrama, Luke’s Ultimatum.

Kakegurui live action
The World’s Not enough Hug Scene
The Spectacle of Excess: Blood Sweat and Tears

Find us at:


16. The Order 23 Job

We’re watching the order 23 job, we’ll be talking about Floridian rats, New Joisey, and Left 4 Dead.

Major content warning for discussion of child abuse.

We also discuss, the word we were searching for is ‘Hypochondria’, Nate is oblivious, even in prison the bourgeoise are above the gentle proletariat, we return to bland naming products, hand sanitiser with moisturiser, FOMO, the Pizza rat of NYC, Gary Gergich plays against type, cops love donuts haha but also donuts are good, Wake and Bake Dogs at the Dogfather’s, this is a great child actor, nervous security guard bossed around by darth vader of the planet Vulcan, that hitman over there, all hitmen are bald, Parker can punch, we revisit punchbuggy, the show does a good job at addressing a societal issue, KHAAAAAANNNN, thanks for letting me talk L4D for a solid 2 minutes, turtle retirement, I make a reference to a specific side quest of a specific sequel that was a reference to the Ninja turtles, the Phantom Menace as a D&D campaign, and I am absolutely not looking up what fancy bacon I used.

Pizza Rat

Slay the Spire
Bon Appetit

Find us at:


15. The Tap Out Job

We’re watching the Tap Out Job, we’re talking about boxing, Nyquil, Disney Divas.

We’re in the process of moving our uploads exclusively over to Audio, the shoutengine feed will stay up until the end of the season first, in time for you to switch over.

We discuss: Frankie knows multiple Ryans, they explain the first fight to the audience and Cass, MMA Meta, throughout this episode whenever MMA is said Cassidy just thinks ‘Measles, Mumps, Arugula”, Mantaur, Asuka’s cool Armbar, Nate’s balls, a con to surpass the metal gear, What year was Wizards of Waverly Place?, Parker has a look, Elliot Hulks out, Parker’s at the gun shop, Parker’s at the music shop, Parker’s at the combination Gun and Music shop, Sophie tries pork rinds, language of the flowers, and the salty science.

Mantaur entrance costume:
Mantaur fight costume: 
Asuka’s flying cross armbar Takedown:

Kingdom Smarts
Piropito Minecraft

Find us at:


14. The Beantown Bailout Job

We’re watching the Beantown Bailout Job. We talk about about The Sound of Music, Cockney, and getting back in the Habit.

We also discuss budget, give us more of Sophie’s bad acting, a reviewer makes a weird and bad joke, we’re in Boston now, Parker gives Nate some ASMR, Sophie is Vanilla AF, Cooking Mama!, they push Pardison again, Hypothetically, the finger thing, the H-Quarters where Triple H is, St Brigid of Sweden, Cass explains Octopi Wall Street. we unfortunately have to address the bad episode of Lupinranger VS Patoranger,


Got It Memorised, A Kingdom Hearts recap podcast

Gopher’s RPG let’s plays on YouTube