Episode 59 - The Sampson of Transformers

Happy Saturday Beast Machines fans! 

Welcome, once again, to your Saturday! The countdown to the holidays continue so listen to us as you navigate your way through the madness of holiday shopping traffic. We're better than mall music we swear! So tune in as we review Season 1 Episode 6 - The Weak Component! 

This week we discuss: You are the weakest link!; Optimus is a jedi; Gorillas in the wild don't have beds; They're suddenly jerks; Rattrap doesn't get his moment; Space New Jersey; Rattrap in It's a Wonderful Life!; Newspost and Questions!

If you liked what you heard follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions and comments that are sent in.

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