Episode 7 - When you're sad think of a T-Rex trying to Masturbate

Welcome to October Beast Wars fans!

Curl up with a blanket, something warm to drink and your favorite podcast player (maybe a zune if you are so inclined) and listen in as we review this week's episode, Fallen Comrades! 

This week we discuss: 

More technical difficulties; Transformers canon created thanks to Beast Wars; Kendall doesn't listen to the podcast; History lessons courtesy of Animorphs; Jurassic World is hard science; Dinobot wishes there were more transformers funerals; Could Optimus Prime actually be President?; Gorilla on Rhino on Rat; John makes a convincing Pteradactyl; Velociraptor talking to a floating gorilla head; Moon dropings, Maybe it's two gay tigers, More questions!; Exposed brain character examinations.

Also, a bit of bonus talk where we find out Kendall bought a game based on listening to an episode of Let's Place (An awesome Audio Entropy podcast that ranks every video game. EVERY GAME!)!

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

And as always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!