Episode 14 - Pre May 2019

The dohyo preparations are complete and the May Basho will be starting in less than 24 hours so technically this is still a Pre-Basho podcast! Little Sweetie Enho is in the big league now, Hakuho is home healing, and Tochinoshin will struggle to regain the rank of Ozeki.

Send your questions to https://twitter.com/frankiExtra or https://twitter.com/DaMoonRulz or https://twitter.com/BashoAndTell

Sumo Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Gx_R_x7iuvf9cBRHmrSHQ
Sumopedia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-qysIuwFAo&list=PL3gh8X4dSmUB72HKrQldb4ziq4rlWyLRk
Jason's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JasonsinJapan

Thanks to twitter.com/Veldrin for our Album art!

Pre May Enho.jpg