Legends of the Watchtower - Issue 3: Hell Toupee (Masks actual play)

The team-name-to-be-determined teens we know and love return, in this third issue of derring-do and daring 'do's! Allison Addison AKA Potentia comes face-to-face with iconic and imposing former hero Faraday Us (mayoral candidate) in his sky-high spire, Charlatan and Peregrine II's detective work sets a most clobbersome comedy in motion, and the Iron Curtain commutes to work!!! Apologies are in order for this episode: audio mishaps led to us having to use the backup, so a lot of the audio clutter we try and clean up is unfortunately preserved, and the fidelity is, well, low. But we think it's still an enjoyable listen, even as DM Mitchell spirals into madness at the end of this 3-hour-plus session and begins making some questionable narrative decisions in the name of amusing himself.

If you haven’t listened to the previous issues yet, you should do that! But we do give a not-so-brief recap-cum-end-of-session-wrap-up at the beginning of this session, because that makes sense to do.

As always, feel free to shoot us an email at allalongthewatchtowerpodcast@gmail.com or on Twitter at @watchtowerdcau.

Except where noted otherwise or it's extremely obvious, all music in this episode was made by Mitchell! Tell him if you liked it, but only if you liked it. 

Our gorgeous album art was graciously made by Gustav Carlson, check out Gus' fantastic webcomic Tourist Unknown at touristunknown.com

Episode art pulled from the Masks core playbook and used under the Creative Commons License; it was illustrated by Michael Lee Lunsford for Magpie Games.