Episode 19 - Aftershock (Static Shock S01E02)

The timeline is restored! After mistakenly uploading the wrong episode last week, we have come back to Dakota City to check in with our old friend Virgil Hawkins! Shit's gotten a bit weird since we've last been here. While Static is still getting his super hero legs under him, we discover why Hot Streak is the greatest supervillain in the DCAU and witness a truly clandestine meeting.

The crew also chats about the Nintendo Switch, the filmography of Meshach Taylor and more Fruit Brute talk than you could possibly imagine.

Your Komix Korner/The Fuck You Read?'s recommendations for this week are Star-Lord by Chip Zdarsky and Kris Anka and Headlopper by Andrew MacLean.

As always, feel free to shoot us an email at allalongthewatchtowerpodcast@gmail.com or on Twitter at @watchtowerdcau.

Komic Korner music, "Paris Ballad", provided by Dana Boulé via the Creative Commons License. Check out her work here: freemusicarchive.org/music/Dana_Boule/

Our gorgeous album art was graciously made by Gustav Carlson, check out Gus' fantastic webcomic Tourist Unknown at touristunknown.com