Episode 49 - Two-Face (Batman: The Animated Series S01E10-11)


We've got a two-fisted two-parter this week, as Batman meets one of his most iconic foes for the first time: Two-Face!

As the crew is impressed by Harvey's commitment to being as on-brand as possible, they're also pleasantly surprised as BTAS appears to be hitting its stride after a rocky start. Along with great performances and solid action, this episode also features the return of Batmanime, with noticably better production values.

Alongside the episode, we also discuss Criss Angel, Cameron makes an actual movie reference, the Avengers: Infinity War trailer, Mitch takes a one-man improv class, and Zack loses his mind trying to control the show.

Your Komix Korner recommendations this week are Batwoman by Marguerite Bennett and Steve Epting and Batman: Creature of the Night by Kurt Busiek and John Paul Leon.

As always, feel free to shoot us an email at allalongthewatchtowerpodcast@gmail.com or on Twitter at @watchtowerdcau.

Komic Korner music, "Paris Ballad", provided by Dana Boulé via the Creative Commons License. Check out her work here: 

Our Technical Difficulties Music, "Organ Grinder Swing" by chēēZ π via the Creative Commons License. Check out their work here: freemusicarchive.org/music/chZ_/

Our gorgeous album art was graciously made by Gustav Carlson, check out Gus' fantastic webcomic Tourist Unknown at touristunknown.com