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Digital Moncast 30 - Stealing Pumpkins is a Crime

Pictured: Against all odds, a legitimately successful method for hailing a cab.

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Episode 30 - Stealing Pumpkins is a Crime Digimon: Digital Moncast

Tyler's moving and for his hubris has been deprived of Internet, so Jules and Joel try to keep the podcast going without him.  And boy oh boy does it keep going.  And going.  We briefly discuss the synopsis for the next episode of Tri before digging into another episode in which our heroes do nothing but travel for 20 minutes, but somehow it's still a refreshing change of pace from usual.  The lack of a desert might have something to do with it.  Oh, also Joel shares a harrowing tale of corruption, betrayal, and hard life lessons in rural America.  It's guaranteed to set more kids straight than the cumulative efforts of D.A.R.E.

Points of interest: The Digimon Need to Shut the Fuck Up, Sora's Quick Thinking and Izzy's Dark Magicks, Chocolate Jesus, We Rate Gomamons (@gomamon_rates on Twitter), John Cena: Ultimate Level Human Being, Double Thumbing, Digidestined vs. Stranger Danger (er, uh Cousin Danger?), Koromon's Poop is Once Again Relevant to the Plot, Myotismon's Goldar, Friendship Through Violence and Fistbumping Computers, Possibly Our MOST Inside Joke, Pumpkins: The Gateway to Crime: A Very Special Episode starring The Digital Moncast's Joel